16 August 2010

Some sketches

There are some fish with really great faces at the Bronx Zoo.

Two fish kind of struck a pose for an instant, and all I could do was throw down a quick sketch in watercolor. I tried to elaborate on it a little later, but part of me likes the initial one better.

These are all taken from my sketchbook.

Snuffy's body is much shorter proportioned than you'd think.

Some diner stuff...

The late, great Empire Diner.

There is an old sign that I really like that can be seen from the window of a train I ride. Maybe I see it for a total of 10 seconds each day as we speed by. My goal was to memorize a different part of the sign each day and try to record it. Eventually, I'd get the whole sign. Here are some of the early drawings:

Here is a link to a photo of the sign: http://www.agilitynut.com/07/5/starrs.jpg

Still working on my final drawing.

Banjo gator, just for fun.

More of an inside joke--my friends either love or hate Gustav.

09 August 2010

Where's the time go?

Hoo-boy. You step out of the Diner for a little bit and a ton of things happen at once. Where to start?

The Diner’s going to be serving up some vintage yearbook scans, photographs of the forgotten roadside, drawings of mid-century architecture, zoo sketches from a few months back, and some work updates! There’s probably even more that I wanted to mention, but I just can’t think of it right now.

So stay tuned—the longer I’m on hiatus, the more updates there will be!